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Records found: 32

Name Born General field of study Geographical field of study
Bahenský, František, PhDr. 1976 Culture (including book printing and art)
Politics, international relations
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Soviet Union
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Bočková, Helena, PhDr. 1952 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Brandtová, Olga, PhDr. Ph.D. 1971 Linguistics
Literary criticism (history)
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Dorovský, Ivan, Prof. PhDr. prof. h. c. DrSc. 1935-2021 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Literary criticism (history)
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Linguistics - Macedonian
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Linguistics
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Fiala, Jiří, Prof. PhDr. CSc. 1944 Auxiliary historical sciences
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - Poland
Linguistics - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Czech studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Havránková, Růžena, PhDr. CSc. 1929-2017 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Historiography
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Historiography
Croatian studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Historiography
Serbian studies - History
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Historiography
Study of Montenegro - History
Horák, Vladimír Jaromír, Mgr. PhD. 1960 Archaeology
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Politics, international relations
Theology, religion and religiousness
Linguistics - Czech
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - General history
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Onomastics
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Archaelogy
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Politics, international relations
Czech studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Hrdá, Judita, PhDr. 1958 Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Cholodová, Uljana, Mgr., Ph.D. 1968 Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Paleoslavonic studies
Politics, international relations
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Croatian
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Linguistics - General linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Jelínková, Eva 1982 Culture (including book printing and art)
Literary criticism (history)
Philosophy and aesthetics
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Jeřábek, Richard, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. 1931-2006 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Jeřábková, Alena, PhDr. 1934 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Kadłubiec, Karel Daniel, Prof. DrSc. 1937 Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Linguistics - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Linguistics
Kopřivová, Anastasie, Mgr. 1936 Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - Russia
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Kouba, Miroslav, Mgr. 1979 Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - Macedonia
Linguistics - Macedonian
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
History - Serbia
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Kvapil, Miroslav, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. 1930-2008 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
History - Croatia
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Politics, international relations
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - Politics, international relations
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Politics, international relations
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Politics, international relations
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Politics, international relations
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Politics, international relations
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Politics, international relations
Lendělová, Věra, PhDr. CSc. 1958 Linguistics
Literary criticism (history)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Belorussia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Lyons Kindlerová, Rita, Mgr. 1974 Byzantine studies
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Philosophy and aesthetics
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
History - Balkan
History - Baltic
History - Belorussia
Literary criticism (history) - Belorussian literature
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
History - Bulgaria
History - Byzantium
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Macedonia
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
History - Poland
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Slovak literature
History - Soviet Union
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - History
Belorussian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Belorussian studies - History
Belorussian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - History
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - History
Polish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - History
Slovak studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovak studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - History
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Maiello, Giuseppe, Ph. D. 1962 Archaeology
Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Paleoslavonic studies
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Baltic
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - General history
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Lusatia
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Archaeology
Balkan studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Archaelogy
Bulgarian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Historiography
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Politics, international relations
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Archaelogy
Macedonian studies - History
Paleoslavonic studies - Paleoslavonic studies
Russian studies - Archaelogy
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Historiography
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Politics, international relations
Serbian studies - Archaelogy
Serbian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Historiography
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Politics, international relations
Slovak studies - Archaelogy
Slovak studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovak studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Historiography
Slovak studies - History
Slovak studies - Politics, international relations
Slovene studies - Archaelogy
Slovene studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Historiography
Slovene studies - Politics, international relations
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Archaelogy
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Politics, international relations
Study of Montenegro - Archaelogy
Study of Montenegro - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Historiography
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Politics, international relations
Ukrainian studies - Archaelogy
Ukrainian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Historiography
Ukrainian studies - Politics, international relations
Wendish studies - Archaelogy
Wendish studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Wendish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Historiography
Wendish studies - History
Wendish studies - Politics, international relations
Mathauserová, Světla, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. 1924-2006 Translators
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - History
Novik, Andrej, Mgr. 1975 Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
Linguistics - Belorussian
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
History - General history
Linguistics - General linguistics
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Kashubian
Linguistics - Lithuanian, Latvian
Linguistics - Macedonian
History - Montenegro
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Linguistics - Wendish
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Baltic studies - Linguistics
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Montenegro - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Otčenášek, Jaroslav, PhDr. Ph.D. 1974 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Pánek, Jaroslav, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. Dr.h.c. 1947 Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
History - Balkan
History - Croatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Pleiner, Radomír, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. (hon. FSA) 1929-2015 Archaeology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Pospíšilová, Jana, PhDr. 1952 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Rychlík, Jan, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. 1954 History - Balkan
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Štěpánová, Irena, Doc. PhDr. CSc. 1948 Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Téra, Michal, Mgr. 1976 Archaeology
Byzantine studies
Culture (including book printing and art)
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Theology, religion and religiousness
History - Balkan
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
Tkaczewski, Dariusz, Dr. Ph.D. 1963 Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Valášková, Naďa, PhDr. CSc. 1944 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Vařeka, Josef, PhDr. DrSc. 1927-2008 Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Woitsch, Jiří, PhDr. 1976 Archaeology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Balkan studies - History
Czech studies - Archaelogy
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology

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