Name |
Born |
General field of study |
Geographical field of study |
Bahenský, František, PhDr. |
1976 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Politics, international relations
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Soviet Union
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Bartoň, Josef, PhDr., Mgr., Th.D. |
1966 |
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Wendish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Benhart, František, PhDr. |
1924-2006 |
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Blümlová, Dagmar, Doc. CSc. |
1949 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Philosophy and aesthetics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Russia
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Historiography
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bočková, Helena, PhDr. |
1952 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Bogoczová, Irena, Doc. PhDr. CSc. |
1961 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Croatian
Linguistics - Czech
Linguistics - General linguistics
Linguistics - Macedonian
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Polish
Linguistics - Russian
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Brandtová, Olga, PhDr. Ph.D. |
1971 |
Literary criticism (history)
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Damborský, Jiří, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. |
1927 - 2013 |
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Croatian
Linguistics - Czech
Linguistics - General linguistics
Linguistics - Kashubian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
History - Poland
Linguistics - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Russian
Linguistics - Serbian
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Linguistics - Slovak
Linguistics - Slovene
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Doležal, Jan, Ph.D., Mgr. |
1976 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Dorovský, Ivan, Prof. PhDr. prof. h. c. DrSc. |
1935-2021 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Literary criticism (history)
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Linguistics - Macedonian
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Linguistics
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Fatková, Gabriela, Mgr. |
1985 |
History - Balkan
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Fiala, Jiří, Prof. PhDr. CSc. |
1944 |
Auxiliary historical sciences
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - Poland
Linguistics - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Czech studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Gombos, Lubomír, Mgr. |
1977 |
Politics, international relations
History - Baltic
History - Belorussia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Baltic studies - History
Baltic studies - Politics, international relations
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - History
Belorussian studies - Politics, international relations
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Politics, international relations
Gregorová, Barbora |
1980 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Politics, international relations
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Czech studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Politics, international relations
Russian studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
Ruthenian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ruthenian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Havránková, Růžena, PhDr. CSc. |
1929-2017 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Historiography
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Historiography
Croatian studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Historiography
Serbian studies - History
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Historiography
Study of Montenegro - History
Holát, Pavel, PhDr. |
1969 |
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Russian studies - Historiography
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Historiography
Slovene studies - History
Horák, Vladimír Jaromír, Mgr. PhD. |
1960 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Politics, international relations
Theology, religion and religiousness
Linguistics - Czech
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - General history
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Onomastics
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Archaelogy
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Politics, international relations
Czech studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Hrdá, Judita, PhDr. |
1958 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Hronková, Danuše, PhDr. |
1930-2022 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Linguistics - Study of translation
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Huňáček, Václav, Doc. PhDr. CSc. |
1931-2018 |
Byzantine studies
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Politics, international relations
Theology, religion and religiousness
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Onomastics
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
History - Soviet Union
Linguistics - Study of translation
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Politics, international relations
Russian studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
Hynčica, Pavel, PhDr. |
1976 |
Politics, international relations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Politics, international relations
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Slovak studies - Politics, international relations
Cholodová, Uljana, Mgr., Ph.D. |
1968 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Paleoslavonic studies
Politics, international relations
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Croatian
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Linguistics - General linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Jelínková, Eva |
1982 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Literary criticism (history)
Philosophy and aesthetics
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Jeřábek, Richard, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. |
1931-2006 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Jeřábková, Alena, PhDr. |
1934 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Kadłubiec, Karel Daniel, Prof. DrSc. |
1937 |
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Linguistics - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Linguistics
Kaleta, Petr, PhDr. Ph.D. |
1972 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
History - Lusatia
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - History
Kalina, Petr Ch., Mgr. |
1978 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Lusatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Ruthenian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Kalita, Inna, PhDr., PhD. |
1969 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
History - Belorussia
Linguistics - Belorussian
Literary criticism (history) - Belorussian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Linguistics - Czech
Linguistics - General linguistics
Linguistics - Lexicography
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Linguistics - Study of translation
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Belorussian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - History
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Belorussian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Kamiš, Karel, Prof. PhDr. CSc. |
1943 |
Linguistics - General linguistics
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Kloferová, Stanislava, PhDr. CSc. |
1955 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Linguistics - General linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
Knoll, Vladislav, Mgr. Ph.D. |
1981 |
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Linguistics - Kashubian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Linguistics - Lexicography
Kolár, Jaroslav, Doc. PhDr. CSc. |
1929-2013 |
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Kopřivová, Anastasie, Mgr. |
1936 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - Russia
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Kouba, Miroslav, Mgr. |
1979 |
Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - Macedonia
Linguistics - Macedonian
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
History - Serbia
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Historiography
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Křížová, Alena, prof. PhDr. Ph.D. |
1956 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Krlín, Jan, PhDr., PhD. |
1964 |
History - Lusatia
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - History
Kupcevičová, Jelena, PhDr. |
1957 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Literary criticism (history)
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Russia
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
History - Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Kvapil, Miroslav, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. |
1930-2008 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
History - Croatia
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Politics, international relations
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - Politics, international relations
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Politics, international relations
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Politics, international relations
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Politics, international relations
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Politics, international relations
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Politics, international relations
Lendělová, Věra, PhDr. CSc. |
1958 |
Literary criticism (history)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Belorussia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Lyons Kindlerová, Rita, Mgr. |
1974 |
Byzantine studies
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Philosophy and aesthetics
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
History - Balkan
History - Baltic
History - Belorussia
Literary criticism (history) - Belorussian literature
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
History - Bulgaria
History - Byzantium
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Macedonia
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
History - Poland
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Slovak literature
History - Soviet Union
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - History
Belorussian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Belorussian studies - History
Belorussian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - History
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - History
Polish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - History
Slovak studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovak studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - History
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Maiello, Giuseppe, Ph. D. |
1962 |
Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Paleoslavonic studies
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Baltic
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - General history
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Lusatia
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Archaeology
Balkan studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Archaelogy
Bulgarian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Historiography
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Politics, international relations
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Archaelogy
Macedonian studies - History
Paleoslavonic studies - Paleoslavonic studies
Russian studies - Archaelogy
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Historiography
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Politics, international relations
Serbian studies - Archaelogy
Serbian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Historiography
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Politics, international relations
Slovak studies - Archaelogy
Slovak studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovak studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Historiography
Slovak studies - History
Slovak studies - Politics, international relations
Slovene studies - Archaelogy
Slovene studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Historiography
Slovene studies - Politics, international relations
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Archaelogy
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Politics, international relations
Study of Montenegro - Archaelogy
Study of Montenegro - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Historiography
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Politics, international relations
Ukrainian studies - Archaelogy
Ukrainian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Historiography
Ukrainian studies - Politics, international relations
Wendish studies - Archaelogy
Wendish studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Wendish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Historiography
Wendish studies - History
Wendish studies - Politics, international relations
Mathauserová, Světla, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. |
1924-2006 |
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - History
Melzer, Miloš, PhDr. CSc. |
1941 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Merzová, Radana, Mgr., Ph.D. |
1980 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Linguistics - Study of translation
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Mišurec, Zdeněk, PhDr. |
1925-2009 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Motyčková, Dana, PhDr. CSc. |
1961 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Navrátilová Machová, Barbora, Mgr. Ph.D. |
1985 |
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Nedvědová, Milada Kateřina, PhDr. |
1950 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Literary criticism (history)
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Macedonia
Linguistics - Macedonian
Literary criticism (history) - Macedonian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Yugoslavia
Croatian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Linguistics
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Nosková, Helena, PhDr. CSc. |
1949 |
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
History - Baltic
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - Lithuanian and Lettish literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Literary criticism (history) - Slovak literature
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Baltic studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Baltic studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Novik, Andrej, Mgr. |
1975 |
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
Linguistics - Belorussian
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
History - General history
Linguistics - General linguistics
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Kashubian
Linguistics - Lithuanian, Latvian
Linguistics - Macedonian
History - Montenegro
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Linguistics - Wendish
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Baltic studies - Linguistics
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Study of Montenegro - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Ondrášková, Karla, Doc. PhDr. CSc. |
1945 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Baltic
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Linguistics - Study of translation
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Baltic studies - History
Czech studies - History
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - History
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Otčenášek, Jaroslav, PhDr. Ph.D. |
1974 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Pánek, Jaroslav, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. Dr.h.c. |
1947 |
Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
History - Balkan
History - Croatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Slovene
Literary criticism (history) - Slovene literature
History - Slovenia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - History
Slovene studies - Linguistics
Slovene studies - Literary criticism (history)
Petišková, Dagmar, Mgr., Ph.D. |
1959 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Linguistics - Russian
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Pleiner, Radomír, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. (hon. FSA) |
1929-2015 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Pospíšilová, Jana, PhDr. |
1952 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Řezník, Miloš, PhDr. PhD. |
1970 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Literary criticism (history)
History - Baltic
History - Belorussia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
History - General history
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
History - Poland
Literary criticism (history) - Polish literature
History - Ukraine
Baltic studies - History
Belorussian studies - History
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ukrainian studies - History
Richter, Karel, PhDr. CSc. |
1930 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Philosophy and aesthetics
Linguistics - Czech
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
History - Russia
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Slovene
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Historiography
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Historiography
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Historiography
Slovak studies - History
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Historiography
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Rychlík, Jan, Prof. PhDr. DrSc. |
1954 |
History - Balkan
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Macedonian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Macedonian studies - History
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Šatava, Leoš, prof. PhDr. CSc. |
1954 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
History - Lusatia
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Linguistics - Wendish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - History
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Wendish studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ševečková, Monika, Mgr., Ph.D. |
1978 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Linguistics - Czech
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Study of translation
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Czech studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Šidák, Pavel, PhDr. Ph.D. |
1977 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Skalníková, Olga, PhDr. CSc. |
1922-2012 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Sládek, Miloš, PhDr. |
1964 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - Poland
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Polish studies - History
Sloboda, Marián, Mgr. |
1979 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Linguistics - Belorussian
Linguistics - Croatian
Linguistics - General linguistics
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Štěpánek, Václav, PhDr. PhD. |
1959 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Politics, international relations
Theology, religion and religiousness
History - Balkan
Literary criticism (history) - Bosnian literature
History - Bulgaria
Literary criticism (history) - Bulgarian literature
History - Croatia
Literary criticism (history) - Croatian literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Macedonia
Literary criticism (history) - Montenegrin literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Literary criticism (history) - Serbian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
History - Yugoslavia
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Balkan studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
Bulgarian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Croatian studies - History
Croatian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Macedonian studies - History
Macedonian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Serbian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Literary criticism (history)
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History
Study of Montenegro - Literary criticism (history)
Štěpánová, Irena, Doc. PhDr. CSc. |
1948 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Svoboda, David, Mgr. MA Ph.D. |
1977 |
Politics, international relations
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
History - Poland
Linguistics - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Soviet Union
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Czech studies - History
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Politics, international relations
Téra, Michal, Mgr. |
1976 |
Byzantine studies
Culture (including book printing and art)
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Theology, religion and religiousness
History - Balkan
History - History of Slavonic nations
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - History
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Russian studies - Theology, religion and religiousness
Tkaczewski, Dariusz, Dr. Ph.D. |
1963 |
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Linguistics - Comparative linguistics
Linguistics - Czech
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Linguistics - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Study of translation
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Linguistics
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Tomandl, Miloš, PhDr. |
1951 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Tureček, Dalibor, Prof. PhDr. CSc. |
1957 |
Philosophy and aesthetics
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Czech studies - Philosophy and aesthetics
Urbánek, Miroslav, PhDr. |
1975 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Culture (including book printing and art) - Czechoslovakia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Czech studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Historiography
Czech studies - History
Valášková, Naďa, PhDr. CSc. |
1944 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - History
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Vařeka, Josef, PhDr. DrSc. |
1927-2008 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Vasilyeva, Elena, Mgr., CSc. |
1971 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Linguistics - Applied linguistics
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
Literary criticism (history) - Russian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Velek, Viktor, Mgr. Dr. Phil., Ph.D. |
Culture (including book printing and art)
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
History - History of Slavonic nations
History - Lusatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
Wendish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - History
Vitoň, Jan, PhDr. |
1954 |
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Comparative literature
Literary criticism (history) - History of literature
Literary criticism (history) - Literary criticism
History - Poland
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
Linguistics - Polish
Linguistics - Study of translation
Polish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Polish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Polish studies - History
Polish studies - Linguistics
Vynohradnyk, Michal |
1976 |
Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration
History - Sub-Carpathian Ukraine
History - Ukraine
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Literary criticism (history) - Ukrainian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Ruthenian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - History
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Literary criticism (history)
Woitsch, Jiří, PhDr. |
1976 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
History - Balkan
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Balkan studies - History
Czech studies - Archaelogy
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - History
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Zelenková, Anna, doc. PhDr. Ph.D. |
1964 |
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
Literary criticism (history)
Literary criticism (history) - Czech literature
Literary criticism (history) - Slovak literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Literary criticism (history) - Theory of literature
Czech studies - Literary criticism (history)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Literary criticism (history)
Zrno, Matyáš, Mgr. |
1979 |
History - Balkan
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
History - Yugoslavia
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - History
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - History